MEDSt@rts announces the first microfinance cross-border forum in Greece


The Chamber of Achaia (Επιμελητήριο Αχαϊας), MEDSt@rts Greek partner, announces the first microfinance cross-border forum, an online meeting dedicated to microfinance actors from Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Palestine and Tunisia.

The event will be held on December 15th at 10am (Greek time) on the Zoom platform and - for the project partners and the experts involved - it will be a fundamental opportunity for debate in order to build a common Mediterranean strategy of financial inclusion.

In order to create a transnational network of microfinance actors, in the last months MEDSt@rts project has organized local meetings in each target area with the aim of involving the different stakeholders and discussing the main issues related to the support to not bankable people. The cross-boarder forums will allow partners to compare the first results achieved.