Project news

CARISMED fourth newsletter presents the workshops held on 6 cities to explain the buildings' adaptative re-use

Two final events will take place on December 19 and 20, 2023, online and hosted by Birzeit University on the University campus in Palestine.…

Project news

TECHLOG Final Conference: Pioneering Innovations and Collaborations Transforming Mediterranean Logistics

The TECHLOG Final Conference at the University of Cagliari leading up to the successful conclusion of the 30-month ENI CBC MED project, show…

Project news

PPI4MED initiated Mediterranean countries to Public Procurement of Innovation

Between 2021 and 2023, five National Research Centres from the Mediterranean region worked together to start structuring public procurement of innovation: a new tool to promot…

Project news

MED-QUAD in Tunisia contributes to revive archaeological pieces and promote water quality control

The University of Sousse paves the way for innovation, heritage preservation, and sustainable water management in the region.

Project news

NEX-LABS crowning achievement of cross-border innovation and entrepreneurship looks to the future

Two open living labs in Lebanon and Jordan are now established, as well as a joint action plan to ensure a sustainable water-food-energy eco…

Project news

Achieving Sustainable Development: Highlights from MED-QUAD project in Italy

University of L'Aquila under the MED-QUAD, contributing to local success in smart water solutions and cultural heritage advancements, supported by L'Aquila Municipal…

Project news

NEX-LABS Jordan Entrepreneurship Summit 2023: Code Green inspired Sustainable Innovation

The NEX-LABS final event was held in Aqaba, Jordan - November 1-2, 2034


Project news

MEDWAYCAP: the storytelling of the Non-Conventional Water Tour in Tunisia

An awareness tour to discover the country's most sustainable water reuse solutions