14 salines méditerranéennes sélectionnées pour des subventions en cascade dans le cadre du projet MedArtSal


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The selection process of the salinas that participated in MedArtSal sub-grants call for proposal has been concluded. The final list of the awarded proposals in now available! Thanks to MedArtSal, 14 Mediterranean salinas in Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Lebanon will receive support to implement actions to diversify their business potential and increase environmental sustainability.

4 salinas awarded in Spain:

Applicant Title of the proposal
Salina para la salud y el ocio Aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales de la salina para la salud y el ocio
Salinas de Marchamalo Restauración de las Salinas de Marchamalo
Salina Preciosa y Roqueta Cultivo sostenible de microalgas mediante raceways para la diversificación en la salina Preciosa y Roqueta
Salina San Vicente Adecuación al entorno y de producción salinera en la Salina San Vicente

Access all the documents here.


4 salinas awarded in Lebanon:

Applicant Title of the proposal
Georges Hanna Suleiman Development of Georges Suleiman Salinas
Imad Malek Development of Malek Salinas
Hafez Dib Jreij Maison du Sel “Sustainable development of Production and activation of Eco-tourism”
Suleiman Elias Suleiman Development of Suleiman Suleiman Salinas

Access all the documents here.


2 salinas awarded in Italy:

Applicant Title of the proposal
Saline Ettore e Infersa Recupero di vasche e canali della Salina Infersa
arco della salina di Cervia Sale di Cervia: dolce per natura

Access all the documents here.


4 salinas awarded in Tunisia:

Applicant Title of the proposal
TUNISEL S.A Rehabilitation of salina towards an eco-friendly quality of production
Immobilière SAFIR Jebel Hadifa Salina
SOTUSEL Upgrading of the Frada salina

Access all the documents here.


We will keep you up to date on the proposal developments and the salinas owners stories!

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