[TEC-MED] قصص عن المسنين المعالين خلال COVID-19: تونس

 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

In Tunisia, the Coronavirus has ruled a different order since March 2020.

Everything changed: the streets of Tunisia were surprised by the lack of people in the streets overnight. The spring breeze has found some dubious Tunisian walking outside by obligation.

For the most vulnerable categories that reside in institutions for the elderly, the line ministry advocated a strategy of total lockdown long before this was applied to the rest of the country.

In Tunisia around twenty retirement home exist. These establishments have recently been declared Covid-free for the happiness of all. The health crisis was controlled just in time, by a national strategy drawn up by the most experienced medical staff, but they were certainly unable to control the social impact of the virus, especially on groups at increased risk of exclusion.

Here, some real stories about dependent elderly during this pandemia in Tunisia.