Watch snippets of the AQUACYCLE Launch on the occasion of the Kick-off meeting hosted by the Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas (CERTH) in Thessaloniki, Greece during September 30 to October 1, 2019.

06 Mai 2020 - 11:00

Le projet DECOST recrute en Grèce !

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

The University of Patras (Greece), member of the DECOST consortium, is looking to fill in 4 positions to perform research, technical and management activities under the project. 

For more details, click here! (information available in Greek)

06 Mai 2020 - 08:30

MEDUSA - appel d'offres : formateur local sur la gestion durable des destinations

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

MEDUSA project is looking for a tourism trainer to deliver a training on sustainable destination management in Catalonia.

06 Mai 2020 - 08:25

MEDSt@rts : vers un réseau transnational des acteurs de la microfinance à travers la Médterranée

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

The main objective of Med microfinance support system for start-ups (MEDSt@rts) is to design common cross-border strategy by providing access to credit for usually non-bankable people, developing an innovative model which can be easily replaced in different environments.

In this context, the players active in the field of micro-finance have an important role. In fact, they will be able to effectively contribute to the support of new start-ups and innovative projects by joining the networking that will be established.

05 Mai 2020 - 09:21

COMMON TurtleQuiz : testez vos connaissances sur le monde des tortues marines !

Contenu disponible uniquement en français.

It's three weeks left to World Turtle Day, the day set up by the American Tortoise Rescue (ATR) to raise awareness about the health conditions and risks for these species, as well as promoting the safeguard and protection of these animals all around the world.

04 Mai 2020 - 14:00

[CROSSDEV] Un regard sur le secteur du tourisme à Aqaba (Jordanie) durant la pandémie de Covid-19

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

Jordan's national efforts to control the spread of the Covid-19 and mitigate its effects are accelerating alongside most of the countries in the world affected by the spread of the virus. Since last month the Jordan state with its government, its army, its public and private institutions, and civil society have been fighting to curb the hidden enemy on one hand and alleviate its effects on economic and social life on the other.

04 Mai 2020 - 13:49

Hybrid Solar Panel - Information Pill

04 Mai 2020 - 08:23

Découvrez les sites pilotes du projet BERLIN : site #4 – Université de Cagliari, Italie

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

30 Avril 2020 - 12:13

MEDUSA: appel d'offres - formation de formateurs à la gestion des destinations touristiques durables

MEDUSA project is looking for a consultant/trainer to carry out a Training of Trainers on sustainable destination management

29 Avril 2020 - 15:40

COMMON Brochure_Web

29 Avril 2020 - 12:35
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