Boîte à outils MedTOWN et communauté de pratique: découvrez de quoi il s'agit et comment en faire partie!

TIER 1, MedTOWN’s technological partner, is currently developing one of the most important interactive tools of the project: the online toolbox and the CoP, that will serve as a platform to share information and experiences & as frame for network discussions on relevant topics of analysis or findings.

20 Mai 2020 - 14:00

[MedTOWN] Campolide Agroforest: un raccourci vers la résilience

The Bela Flor agroforest in Campolide brings together volunteers with the common pleasure of sharing and gardening. This yet small pilot project counts already with a dozen of dedicated volunteers and the strategic vision of a agroforestry specialties, and together with Junta de Freguesia de Campolide and MedTOWN project they are rooting new resilient habits and building a new story with the community.

20 Mai 2020 - 13:50

[MedTOWN] L'implication de l'AFTURD dans la prise en charge des femmes victimes de violences pendant le confinement en Tunisie

Due to the confinement, violence against women in Tunisia is 5 times compared to 2019. AFTURD has taken the initiative about the situation of WVV in need of protection by, among other things, opening a new emergency shelter in coordination with the Ministry of Women, Family, Children and Seniors and mobilising a team of volunteers

20 Mai 2020 - 13:20

Comment le projet MedTOWN peut-il aider à lutter contre les effets négatifs de l'épidémie de COVID-19 ?

COVID19 is hitting specially hard in the Mediterranean región, and vulnerable communities are due to suffer the impact –both health and economic– even harder: now more than ever is time to approach innovative & participative ways to provide social services involving them such as co-production, SSE & complementary currencies and MedTOWN can be a useful instrument to achieve this.

20 Mai 2020 - 12:00


20 Mai 2020 - 11:45


20 Mai 2020 - 11:30


20 Mai 2020 - 11:00

Progrès du projet MedSNAIL lors de la crise du COVID-19 : premières analyses documentaires par les partenaires sur l'état de l'art des systèmes agroalimentaires durables en Méditerranée

The health crisis provoked by the expansion of Covid-19 all over the world is undoubtely having an important impact on the normal development of european projects, as most of them deal with issues that need to be tested on the territory, for which mobility is of outmost importance. Transnational cooperation means working on a topic  locally under a common approach agreed by a number of partners, and exchange experiences and know-how, trying to transfer good practices into other contexts.

20 Mai 2020 - 09:30

Le projet HELIOS recherche un attaché de presse

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

COSVAP, partner of HELIOS project, has published a call fopr applicaitons to select a Press Officer in the field of project communication. 

The deadline for the submission of applicaitons is June 3rd 2020, at 1 pm (Italy local time).

The applications must be sent by email to the following addresses:

20 Mai 2020 - 09:00

Projet GreenBuilding : le partenaire tunisien lance un appel d'offres national pour l'audit énergétique préliminaire du bâtiment pilote

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

BorjCedria Technopark Management Company (TUNISIA), partner of the "GreenBuilding" project, launches a national tender to implement a preliminary energy audit relating to the buildings and equipment of the Mohamed-Kassab Institute of Orthopedics.

19 Mai 2020 - 09:46
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