Le projet CLIMA sensibilise au gaspillage alimentaire pendant le mois sacré du Ramadan. Deuxième épisode en Tunisie

Ramadan, le mois saint des musulmans, est avant tout un moment spirituel, pendant lequel les femmes et les hommes pratiquent le jeûne. Une période durant laquelle les membres de la même famille renforcent leurs liens sociaux et se réunissent chaque soir autour de la table.

10 Mai 2021 - 15:43

GIMED : 11 idées d'entreprises vertes sélectionnées dans le sud de l'Italie

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10 Mai 2021 - 13:59

Égypte : le projet INVESTMED présenté lors d'un événement majeur sur l'entrepreneuriat et l'innovation

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INVESTMED was one of the four projects that were presented in a major event under the title “Blending BSO  & incubators support”, organized by the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Association (CEEBA) in collaboration with the Egyptian authorities.

10 Mai 2021 - 10:50

NAWAMED recherche un ingénieur civil, rural ou hydraulique en Tunisie

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The Centre for Water Research and Technologies - CERTE, Tunisian partner of NAWAMED project, has launched a call for applications for selecting a a civil, rural or hydraulic engineer. 

The deadline for submitting applications is 28th of May 2021.

For more information, please follow this link (in French): http://www.certe.rnrt.tn/poste/appel-a-candidature-07-2021/

10 Mai 2021 - 10:35

MedArtSal célèbre la Journée mondiale des oiseaux migrateurs

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Migration is undoubtedly one of the most impressive spectacles of nature. Every year, migratory species perform extraordinary journeys between their breeding and wintering grounds along what are called migration routes. These routes are very diverse, crossing entire countries, mountain ranges, deserts, seas and oceans.

07 Mai 2021 - 15:32

ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM : une assistance technique en ligne et gratuite pour les opérateurs de l'agriculture biologique est disponible!

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The technical support service provides free advice and guidance to all organic operators in the region. The technical assistance team is composed of experts in the different fields (technical, marketing, certification, etc..) related to the organic agriculture sector, these experts have been carefully selected by the project team. 

07 Mai 2021 - 12:50

Espagne : 40 étudiants formés à la logistique maritime et aux opérations portuaires à Valence

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Thanks to the YEP MED initiative, more than 40 first year students of the International Trade and Transport and Logistics vocational training course from the Pere Boïl de Manises and Ausiàs March and Abastos high schools in Valencia, have been trained in subjects related to the Port of Valencia and its Port Community. The course was 1 week long, and was imparted over 25 hours. 

07 Mai 2021 - 12:40

Rencontrez l'équipe iHERITAGE et rejoignez-nous pour enrichir l'expérience du patrimoine culturel immatériel méditerranéen

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07 Mai 2021 - 11:13

GREENLAND recherche un expert junior pour la gestion de projet en Italie

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ARCES Association, Italian partner of GREENLAND project, has published a call for tenders to select a Junior Expert in the field of Project Management to support ARCES structured staff members in the implementation of activities and procedures outlined in Work Package 1 (WP1) .

The deadline for submitting applications is the 12th of May 2021 (Italy Local time).

06 Mai 2021 - 15:05

NEWSLETTER YEP MED : avril 2021 | Numéro 2

06 Mai 2021 - 15:04
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