Les jeunes racontent YEP MED – réflexions sur la 1ère formation professionnelle

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09 Juin 2021 - 10:03

GIMED's leaflet

08 Juin 2021 - 12:19

GIMED printable poster (English version)

08 Juin 2021 - 12:18

GIMED's roll-up

08 Juin 2021 - 12:17

Concours de Ramadan avec CROSSDEV : le concours, les prix et les gagnants

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08 Juin 2021 - 11:12

14 salines méditerranéennes sélectionnées pour des subventions en cascade dans le cadre du projet MedArtSal

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The selection process of the salinas that participated in MedArtSal sub-grants call for proposal has been concluded. The final list of the awarded proposals in now available! Thanks to MedArtSal, 14 Mediterranean salinas in Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Lebanon will receive support to implement actions to diversify their business potential and increase environmental sustainability.

08 Juin 2021 - 11:02

Israël : la première réunion d'ARTOLIO met en lumière les défis techniques et commerciaux des producteurs d'huile d'olive

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In the last two weeks we have found ourselves in a difficult situation. After we were already sure the Covid was behind us, at least in part, suddenly another crisis arose here, which all the members of the ARTOLIO project in Israel and Palestine had to struggle with.

08 Juin 2021 - 10:57

Projet COMMON : l'Université de Sousse recrute deux post-doctoraux

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The University of Sousse, (Tunisia), as partner of the project COMMON “COastal Management and MOnitoring Network for tackling marine litter in Mediterranean Sea", co-funded by the European Programme ENI CBC MED, opens the call for applications for 2 post-doctoral positions. 


07 Juin 2021 - 12:29

Le bénéficiaire principal d'ESMES recherche un coordinateur de projet

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07 Juin 2021 - 11:09

CROSSSDEV célèbre la Journée du patrimoine mondial 2021 à Aqaba, en Jordanie

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For CROSSDEV, World Heritage Day 2021 was the occasion, to spread awareness and increase the visibility, attractiveness, and promotion of historical sites around Aqaba (Jordan) and to learn how to preserve our rich heritage for future generations.

Project's partner JREDS – The Royal Marine Conservation Society – conducted a number of volunteers for a tour around the city to learn about its past and enjoy some live experiences.

07 Juin 2021 - 11:04
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