Italie : Le projet CLUSTER recherche un expert en communication et un consultant technique

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ARCES Association, Italian partner of CLUSTER ('advanCing Youth and Women SociaL InclUSion in The MEditeRranean') capitalization project, has published a call for applications to fill in two positions:

16 Septembre 2021 - 15:25

BESTMEDGRAPE, quand la recherche rencontre les entrepreneurs : du mémoire de master à l'expérience des Living Labs

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais

16 Septembre 2021 - 15:23

Le projet TEC-MED est l'un des premiers projets au Liban ciblant les personnes âgées et leurs soignants

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To implement the TEC-MED model in Lebanon, 6 training agents will be trained on the implementation of the model and will have to assess older persons who fit the inclusion criteria at their homes, institutions or remotely and follow-up after 3 months and 6 months while implementing one hour of social care intervention.  

16 Septembre 2021 - 15:10

Le projet CLUSTER recherche un chef de projet et un chargé de projet/communication

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16 Septembre 2021 - 15:03

We are your waste! COMMON project highlights impact of marine litter on biodiversity and ecosystem

The impact of #marine litter on #biodiversity and our #ecosystem is now well known. But what would the #waste say if they could talk?

16 Septembre 2021 - 14:34

STAND Up! Sisters for the World creates washable, leak-proof underwear made out of healthy and eco-friendly material.

Sisters of the World is designing washable, leak-proof underwear made out of healthy and eco-friendly material.

16 Septembre 2021 - 12:06

Opportunité de formation CROSSDEV : devenir un professionnel du tourisme à Aqaba, Jordanie

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As part of the CROSSDEV project, partner the Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) is offering a training opportunity to locals interested in developing their touristic skills, such as English language, communication, best practices for archaeological tours, tourism photography, marketing and social media, and sustainable tourism and hospitality.

15 Septembre 2021 - 15:54

Egypte : Le projet CRE@CTIVE recherche un expert technique dans les secteurs traditionnels du textile, du cuir et de la chaussure

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais

15 Septembre 2021 - 15:36

Jordanie : le projet ESMES recherche un chargé de projet

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais

Project background and description:

15 Septembre 2021 - 13:06

iHERITAGE lance un nouveau site web pour mettre en valeur de manière innovante le patrimoine jordanien

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais

The Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity (JSSREC) released the iHERITAGE-Jo Landing Page, through which all project updates and interactive Augmented and Virtual Reality content from Jordan can be accessed.

The page provides regular updates, announcements, tender documents, as well as embedded interactive content, inviting visitors to explore and experience Petra like never before.

15 Septembre 2021 - 12:20
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