الإتحاد من أجل المتوسط يطلق خطة منح لتعزيز العمالة كإستجابة إقليمية لوباء "COVID-19"

Photo © Union for the Mediterranean

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With the Grant Scheme for employment promotion – Regional response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Union for the Mediterranean is actively supporting non-profit organizations in the Mediterranean that work to give people opportunities in view of the COVID-19-induced economic crisis. It focuses on projects that enable people t find jobs, continue to gain a living and improve their work and living conditions. At the same time, we seek to support projects that encourage entrepreneurship and improve the business climate for Micro-, Small and Medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) as crucial providers of employment in the Mediterranean region.

The priorities of the call are: 

  • Priority 1: Improving the economic resilience of citizens, especially vulnerable demographic groups, through employment- related capacity development.
  • Priority 2: Promoting new channels of training and skills attainment in order to foster employability and economic activity.
  • Priority 3: Supporting entrepreneurial activity and building the capacities of MSMEs to enable income generation and job creation.

Legal persons (non-governmental organization, public sector operator, local authority) and non-profit organizations established in the Union for the Mediterranean’s region can apply. 

The amount of grants is between 100.000 and 300.000 Euro with a contribution of 90% of the cost of the action. The deadline for submitting applications is the 29th of October 2020. The call is financially supported by GIZ, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ). 
This call for proposals is an important opportunity for ENI CBC Med projects working in the fields of job and business creation, training and skills development, as well as social inclusion.

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