SOLE: partners met to assess the launch of pilot energy efficiency actions in selected public buildings

Faculty of Engineering - Alexandria University, Egypt

A technical meeting regarding the assessment of the pilot actions foreseen in the SOLE Project took place on 26 April 2021. Pilots deals with public buildings and actions are aimed to improve their energy efficiency, through material interventions and raising awareness activities.

The meeting was organized as part of the pilot energy efficiency actions to be implemented in each of the public buildings along the seven Mediterranean countries involved in the SOLE project. Through a common methodology based on energy monitoring actions, innovative technologies, and tools, each partner will carry out interventions to improve the energy performance of the chosen building.

In Prato (Italy), Attica (Greece), Alexandria (Egypt), Madiba (Jordan), Jounieh (Lebanon), Seville (Spain) and Mnihla (Tunisia) there will be developed local action plans based on the typological characteristics of the pilot building and their climatic zone. Through a multidisciplinary and multifunctional approach, each partner, together with the stakeholders involved in the energy requalification process, will plan the required measures, the energy actions and the procedures to be followed to achieve the project results. The action plans, in addition to describing how the pilot actions will be implemented in each territory, will also serve to stimulate further energy redevelopment actions in other contexts.

The meeting was an opportunity for each partner to illustrate the progress of their activities, their projects, materials, technical and financial solutions, as well as the approach used to achieve energy and environmental redevelopment objectives.

Other technical meetings are foreseen during the next months and regular updates will be published on this page.