SOLE: knowledge sharing seminars to improve energy performance in public buildings launched


The EU funded project SOLE launched a series of knowledge-sharing workshops to discuss how to ensure high energy performance in public stock buildings. The analysis, the evidences and suggestions will be used to improve technical interventions foreseen in the selected project pilots dealing with kindergartens, Universities, public headquarters and sports complex in 7 Mediterranean Countries: Spain, Italy, Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia.  

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the 1st Thematic Seminar has been held on-line in December 2020, for two half days. Despite the importance and the value of the off-line session initially planned in the splendid city of Seville (Spain), it has been registered as a great virtual session anyway. 

The Seminar on technological solutions for the improvement of energy use in public buildings has seen a public of more than 40 participants. Designed to share knowledge and ideas on how to select technologies, energy mix, procedures and materials, this 1st session took into consideration, in particular, the role of the building sector in the new energy challenges under the Green Deal promoted by the DG Environment of the European Commission.

During the first day, specific solutions regarding technical aspects to be implemented in the different pilot areas have been shared by experts. On the second day, SOLE pilot projects have been introduced by partners and discuss with experts to get specific and targeted technical solutions. 

The results of the Seminar will be included in the planning and in the effective execution of the pilot projects. Other technical seminars are foreseen in March 2021 and all updates regarding knowledge sharing activities and pilot advancements will be uploaded on this page.