Assisted Learning for Luring Unlikely Reluctant and Resistant Learners into Education
A.3 Promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty
A.3.1: Provide young people, especially those belonging to the NEETS, and women, with marketable skills
This project's lifetime will coincide with the end of the EU2020 strategy that was intended to produce a more competitive Europe, higher quality education and investment in research and innovation. In spite of change today we are speaking of unemployment, financial instability and the need of more investment in research.


1. INDIVIDUALS at any age, still following formal education, starting or pursuing careers in employment or self-employed need to acquire key / horizontal competences and literacies to upskill for specific situations or better job prospects and job mobility.

2. INDIVIDUALS in need of reintegration into the labour market following an absence, remedial education after ESL and from vulnerable groups to re-start education with a balance between gradual re-entry, the possibility of rapid acquisition of knowledge and key competences and flexible accessibility according to individual context.

3. TRAINING PROVIDERS will meet the need to match education, employment and market demands by rapidly renewing and increasing their training offer therefore keeping up to date with social, economic and technological change. They will be able to cater for a wider variety of needs making them more sustainable given the wider audience they will be able to cater for.

4. JOB CENTRES will find it easier to inspire people who need jobs, job mobility and up skilling to take up on-line Adult Education according to one's personal aptitudes, background knowledge and experience, desired career / employment and channel NEETs onto viable paths towards employment.

5. EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRY can cater for special situations where the workforce requires literacy or skills for a specific assignment for better performance, to widen their product / service offer improve quality of employment conditions with incentives to follow on-line adult education during employment.

6. POLICY MAKERS IN EDUCATION are the best agents for balance between a modern training offer, personal and social well being of individuals and quality standards. They have the responsibility making education more accessible to more individuals especially those in need of support. The LURE Model tested in the Protoype will give them exposure of things to come and the benefits they can draw from such a new dynamic in Adult Education.

Transnationality is an intrinsic part of the character of LURE because it is built to remove borders between social, economic and geographical boundaries.

The Prototype needs to take into consideration a large variety of social missions, contexts and geographical peculiarities if it is to match the largest pool of beneficiaries possible. The partners come from HE, VET and Adult Education, Industry and Employment from XXXX countries and this will guarantee EU wide impact given that all partners have their own local, national and EU level networks with which to share the results of the project.

The LURE Model adopts Bite Size / Modular Learning in distance adult education to enable:
- training providers in VET, HE and Adult Education to augment their training offer and to make training in key competences more accessible by all irrespective of personal and professional context and background,
- any individual who is in formal education, out of employment or in employment / self-employment to take up on-line adult training out of interest or need and then also to continue on learning paths to better one's employability or career and
- all players in education, employment and industry to take part in the metamorphosis of Adult Education by creating a totally new dynamic in key competence and literacies training based on flexibility, personalisation and fast-track streamlining with social, economic and technological change.
LURE will reach these objectives by creating multiple scenarios through Foresight techniques and the production of a technological prototype to demonstrate how the Model uses Bite Size / Modular Learning in which sets of lessons / modules:
- allow learners to obtain validation upon completion and
- are linked between them in recommended and/or formal learning paths for the learner to choose which training content and structure suits him/her best.

LURE will enable us to reach 2020 with a new dynamic in adult education that brings more individuals to acquire basic skills and get into training to become more competitive and more resourceful actors in industry. It will be an influencer in innovation in adult education and professional development needed if Europe is to be a place of excellence in all levels of education.

The LURE Model will be one to adopt, emulate or copy by single organisations /consortia in education or by a constructive very much futuristic scenario become a European platform allowing multiple training providers to place their on-line training content on one common giant grid.
VisMedNet Association of Malta
Job / Employment Centres
Policy Makers in Education, Youth, Employment, Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion
Research centres in above subjects
VET and Adult Training Providers
Not estimated yet
VisMedNet Association