Palestine: Med-EcoSuRe project performs an energy audit at the An-Najah National University

Imad Ibrik - An Najah National University - Palestine

As part of the Med-EcoSuRe project, 3 different buildings of the An-Najah National University, the largest one in Palestine, have recently undergone an energy audit in view of identifying opportunities to reduce energy expense and carbon footprint.

More specifically, the following items were investigated: 

  • Analysis of the energy situation of the buildings;
  • Calculation of specific consumption;
  • Comparison with reference values (national and international) of similar facilities;
  • Distribution of the energy consumption by custom (usage);
  • Energy balances (electric and thermal) after measurements;
  • Calculation of energy use index;
  • Identification of potential of energy conservation;
  • Definition of energy conservation measures.

The team of An-Najah National University prepared standard templates to evaluate the characteristics of the energy systems and the patterns of energy use for the buildings including: data collection from the architectural/mechanical/electrical drawings and/or from discussions with building operators, utility data collection and identification of the fuel types used, analysis of utilities energy use performed by building type and size.

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Similar energy audit works were carried out at the University of Tunis el Manar in Tunisia and University of Florence in Italy.

This activity will be followed by the implementation of innovative renewable energy and energy efficiency  measures within university buildings resulting in reduced and cleaner energy consumption, which is one of the main objectives of Med-EcoSuRe project.

For more information about the project objectives and expected results, please visit the official webpage.