Project news

جمعية أصالة توقع عقود مع ٦ مشاريع نسوية فائزة بمنحة مشروع InnovAgroWoMed في فلسطين

وقعت الجمعية الفلسطينية لصاحبات الاعمال- أصالة عقود مع ستة نساء صاحبات مشاريع نسوية في قطاع الصناعات الغدائية للحصول على منحة ضمن مشروع InnovAgroWoMed لينطلقن مباشرة بعد التو…

Project news

[LIVINGAGRO] Tender announcement, subcontractor for delivering multiple services wanted in Greece

Services requested include the organization of trainings, the completion of a precompetitive analysis and the development of a services plat…

Project news

PROSIM: procurement of 1 Capacitive Deionization unit with a capacity of 5m3/hour in Al Balqa Governorate, Jordan

PROSIM partner, National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), has launched a Local Open Tender to supply, install, operate and training for …

Project news

SME4SMARTCITIES showcased its solutions in an international congress

SME4SMARTCITIES survey results show that people value the solutions developed under the scope of the project.

Project news

SEACAP 4 SDG delivers the Local Living Lab training on public building renovation in Aigialeia (Greece)

SEACAP 4 SDG transfers knowledge on public building renovation through a Living Lab approach in Aigialeia (Greece). Read more details.

Project news

CRE@CTIVE's 16 subgrantees: Bringing Innovation to the Mediterreanean region!

Learn more about our 16 subgrantees' idea and their progress so far in the CRE@CTIVE project!