[TEC-MED] نموذج الرعاية الاجتماعية لكبار السن في تونس

 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

Seniors now occupy an ever-increasing place in Tunisian society and, according to projections by the National Institute of Statistics, around 2030, people aged 60 and over should represent one fifth of the total population in Tunisia. According to a study conducted on 2003, the loss of autonomy concerns nearly 10% of the Tunisian population aged 65 and over living at home (1). This poses a serious public health problem, in a context of limited financial and human resources. 

In Tunisia, the social care model for elderly persons in dependency situations is based on a legal framework enacted since 1990s: Law 94/114 of October 1994 on the elderly protection (1); Decree 96/1016 of May 1996 (2) and Decree 96/1766 of September 1996 (3) on care principles to protect disabled elderly without family and/or financial support by public and private health establishments. Several care services are now implemented under the management control of the Ministry of Women, Family, Children and Elderly affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of health. All social and health services are free of charge, or at a reduced rate for needy families. 

This video made by INNTA (one of TEC-MED partners) shows us the current models of social care (deficiencies, more serious problems, improvements, needs, more significant data) in Tunisia.