

Un mur vert pour la réutilisation des eaux grises : projet NAWAMED en Jordanie

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

The University of Jordan under the coordination of Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, in cooperation with Jordan Engineers Association are organizing a preliminary event of the project in order to gather stakeholders and all interested people to get more knowledge about the project.

The title of the online event is “A Green Wall for the Reuse of Grey Water: NAWAMED project in Jordan” and is organised with the support of SVI.MED (Euro-Mediterranean centre for the sustainable development – no profit association - Sicily), IRIDRA srl, partners of NAWAMED.

Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, NAWAMED project coordinator (UJ), Barbara Sarnari (SVI.MED.), Fabio Masi (IRIDRA), Prof. Radwan Al-Weshah (JEA), Prof. Abbas Al-Omari (UJ), and Eng. Azzam Hamaideh (BDO Jordan) will present the different topics and participate to the final discussion.

The event will be an opportunity to present, discuss, and learn about NAWAMED project, keeping a focus on the pilot plants that will be installed in Jordan. Furthermore, increase the awareness about the water use efficiency and the use of non-conventional water resources. 

The online event will be developed in English language and is open to all. Registration here is welcome.
To follow the event click here: 

Meeting ID: 859 4270 5490 
Download here the agenda of the event (in English): Agenda_16_december_2020.pdf

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