Succès de la conférence de presse du projet MoreThanAJob en Jordanie


The project’s press conference and stakeholders meeting in Jordan was successfully held on the 6th of January 2020 in Amman. The event was organized by Mutah University, and Ministry of Public Works & Housing.The aim of the press conference was to announce MoreThanAJob project in Jordan, by updating the press and stakeholders about the goals, planned activities, expected results, and opportunities. 

The event was opened to interested journalists, media representatives, local authorities, universities, NGOs and public institutions active in the field of employment and skills assessment, including ministries of labour, education, migration.

The meeting concluded with a discussion about the best practices to ‎guarantee project success.‎

MoreThanAJob project aims to reinforce social ‎inclusion of vulnerable, and unemployed populations ‎by applying ‎best practices for more effective collaboration of the social and ‎‎solidarity economy (SSE) actors with the public administration.‎

For more information, please visit the project website.

See press coverageAlMamlaka TV, Jordan TV