MED-InA en Tunisie soutient Vitro/Indinya, une seconde vie pour les déchets en verre

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06 Avril 2022 - 17:09

INVESTMED Webinar: Energy Transition as a Driver for the Green Economy

In the second INVESTMED seminar, Dr Mohamed Salah Elsobki (Jr.) from Cairo University focused on aspects of energy transition as one of the ways towards a green economy. These aspects include, but are not limited to, sustainable energies, financial and economic feasibilities, information, communication, awareness, legislation, and key performance indicators. The webinar was organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) and LUMSA University, and hosted by EMEA under the INVESTMED Project on 21.10.21

05 Avril 2022 - 19:05

INVESTMED Webinar: Social Innovation in Business

In the sixth INVESTMED seminar, an expert panel analysed the opportunities presented by social innovation in business models, and how to use this to promote creative and innovative processes that foster a prosperous and fair social transformation. The panel included Nadine Asmar, expert in leadership, Tamara Zakharia from UNICEF, and Cristian Bevacqua from Oxfam Italy. The webinar was organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA), Beyond Group and LUMSA University, and hosted by EMEA under the INVESTMED Project on 30.03.22

05 Avril 2022 - 18:54

INVESTMED Webinar: Industrial Symbiosis and Life Cycle Analysis in Business

In the fifth INVESTMED seminar, an expert panel discussed questions such as "what are the key aspects to properly integrate life cycle analysis into business models and benefit from it? What opportunities does industrial symbiosis present in the development of new business ideas and entrepreneurship?" The seminar focused on two dimensions: research advances and methodological approach, and the challenges faced in the application to real cases.

05 Avril 2022 - 18:52

INVESTMED Webinar: How can your business can integrate circular business principles?

In the fourth INVESTMED seminar, an expert panel discussed how we can integrate circular economy principles into our business models. The transition to a green economy is a key issue for many countries and regions, and one of the related challenges is the transition from linear production processes into closed cycle production and consumption behaviour. Giorgio Mosangini from the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production, Mauro Manca from Energreen, and Victor Falguera from AKIS International shared their experiences of circular economy within their sector.

05 Avril 2022 - 18:51

INVESTMED Webinar: Business Models and the Human-Centred Business Model

In the third INVESTMED seminar, Marco Nicoli from UNIDROIT discussed definitions of business and business models, the rationale for a transition toward a sustainable business model, key elements of sustainability, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and the Human-Centred Business Model. The webinar was organised by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) and LUMSA University, and hosted by EMEA under the INVESTMED Project on 23.11.21

05 Avril 2022 - 18:50

RESMYLE : Laissez votre idée d'entreprise prendre forme avec tout le soutien et les conseils dont vous avez besoin dans notre éco-incubateur pour la construction verte en Jordanie

Avez-vous une idée géniale pour une entreprise commerciale dans la construction écologique mais ne savant pas quelles mesures prendre pour réaliser votre rêve? Le Green Construction Innovation Lab du projet RESMYLE recherche les jeunes entrepreneurs âgé(e)s de 18 à 29 ans pour offrir tout le soutien personnel et conseils techniques dont vous avez besoin. 

05 Avril 2022 - 13:17

CARISMED lance en Tunisie un appel pour recruter un Consultant.e Expert.e Senior – Gestion de projet

Intitulé du poste: Consultant.e Expert.e Senior – Gestion de projet
Rend compte à : la coordinatrice générale de l’association
Type de contrat: Prestation de service
Durée du contrat: 06 mois, renouvelables
Salaire: commensurable avec l'expérience et la qualification du/de la candidat.e


05 Avril 2022 - 13:02

SME4SMARTCITIES organise sa première mission commerciale auprès de PME présélectionnées à Gênes, Italie

Ce contenu est disponible seulement en anglais

More than 50 entrepreneurs from Italy, Spain, Israel, and Palestine are coming to the city of Genoa, Italy to meet the local stakeholders and deepen their knowledge of the city with a big target in their minds. Finding the right partner and approach to respond with an innovative solution to the local challenges proposed by the municipality of Genoa. 

05 Avril 2022 - 10:10

YEP MED a formé 300 personnes dans sa 2ème édition du cours de Logistique Portuaire Internationale Numérique

Ce contenu est disponible seulement en anglais

05 Avril 2022 - 10:00
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