Le projet INNOMED-UP lance des points d'information pour stimuler l'économie circulaire dans les villes méditerranéennes


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The INNOMED-UP project was designed to establish two info-points in Palermo city of Italy and another in Amman city of Jordan. The info-points will operate as consultation offices for the Cultural & Creative Small-Medium Enterprises (CCI SMEs) in order to access foreign investments, such as European funding, bank loans or other initiatives (e.g. Switchers, The next society etc). The info-point in Jordan was established and released by Future Pioneers for Empowering Communities (FEPC), while the info-point in Italy will be led by Centre for Socio-Economic Research in Southern Italy (CRESM).


INNOMED-UP Info-point in Amman, Jordan


Recently, FEPC launched the info-point successfully in two languages (EN, AR) to encourage the expansion of the circular economy concept through innovation and education for creative industries in Mediterranean cities. This platform aims to acquaint those in charge and workers in small and medium enterprises with the available financing opportunities in order to facilitate the access of these projects to them. It also aims to demonstrate the importance of circular economics in enhancing the work mechanisms of small and medium enterprises.


This is the link to the first release of Info-point: http://future-pioneers.org/innomedup/


INNOMED-UP Info-point in Palermo, Italy


The Italian partner CRESM launched its own info-point at the end of March 2021, both on the web and physically in the Creative District of Palermo (Cantieri Culturali della Zisa- Creative Factories at Zisa) within the CRESM Industrial Building “Nuove Officine alla Zisa –NOZ”. This allowed to meet personally several creative start-ups and to support some of them both offering technical assistance with EU funds and hosting them in the building for some specific productions.


This is the link to the first release of Info-point: https://www.cresm.it/en/innomed-up-info-point-palermo/


The concept of a circular economy will provide multiple solutions to the Mediterranean cities, where it can create urban environments, resilient societies, and create a supportive framework for small and medium-sized companies' clusters. Small and medium companies and enterprises to transform local urban economies towards a circular production and consumption model that includes the optimal use of material resources, promoting innovation in small and medium enterprises, transferring knowledge between cities, social integration, and citizen engagement. This platform came to meet this and contribute to it.


Jordan’s info-point was acknowledged in Jordan’s press release:
