Événement NAWAMED : Stimuler le débat sur les solutions naturelles pour le traitement des eaux usées à installer en Jordanie


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The University of Jordan (UJ) under the coordination of Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, in cooperation with Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) implemented an online workshop on 16th December, 2020.

46 technicians actively participated in this event entitled "A green wall for the reuse of grey water: NAWAMED project in Jordan”, following and debating with the speakers. In fact, this workshop was an opportunity to present, discuss and learn about NAWAMED project, keeping a focus on the pilot plants that will be installed in Jordan and increase the awareness about the water use efficiency and the use of non-conventional water resources.

At the beginning, Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh welcoming and introducing NAWAMED project that was after presented in detail by Barbara Sarnari (SVI.MED. Euro-Mediterranean centre for the sustainable development – no profit association - Sicily) and Dr. Fabio Masi (Iridra srl) who introduced the sustainable and low-cost technologies and their advantages to treat grey water, focusing on the solutions designed for the 2 pilot plants foreseen in Jordan.


In order to integrate NAWAMED project with existing regional studies and activities, the other speakers described the Amman distribution system, so as the river water quality. In particular, Prof. Radwan Al-Weshah, the dean of the scientific research at the University of Jordan presented on Non-revenue Water (NRW) management in Amman by taking a Yadoudeh Area as case of study aims at assessing the existing NRW, quantifying the real and apparent losses in Yadoudeh distribution network, thus recommending an integrated NRW management in Amman distribution system.

Prof. Abbas Al-Omari, a senior researcher at Water, Energy and Environment Center at the University of Jordan and the team member of NAWAMED project presented about the pollution sources by taking Zarqa River as a case of study and assessing their impact on the river water quality as a source of irrigation water.

Finally, Eng. Azzam Hamaideh (BDO Jordan) from the stakeholder provided a highlight on a feasibility study of grey water system powered by Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system by showing a case study that was conducted in Jordan in order to reduce the use of freshwater, achieve environmental benefits, and provide a renewable source of energy.

The cooperation with the speakers so as with the Jordan Engineers Association will be continuous by developing future events and activities in order to disseminate and increase the awareness about NAWAMED project.

To relive the event, click here (Access Passcode: jea@2020)

Registration available also in YouTube clicking here 

Following you can download the presentations of the event:

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