تم الاحتفال بالاجتماع الثاني للجنة التوجيهية لمشروع SME4SMARTCITIES بمشاركة جميع شركاء المشروع


The content is available in English only

This meeting was meant to take place in Israel but the COVID-19 crisis has turned it into virtual, hoping that the next one will be able to be held face to face at the end of the year in Genoa (IT).

Partners from the five different countries participants have met today to discuss the ongoing activities and the future of the project. The Joint Technical Secretariat has also joined the meeting.

Most of the activities that are being developed along this period have had to extend their deadlines a couple of months because of the difficulties at reaching municipalities under the current situation. It has been presented the technical manual on reporting and financial procedures. Also the responsible partner of the task has presented the first conclusions on the surveys already received, together with the procurement guide preliminary results. As a new task each partner will have to indicate the selected cities to be part of the cities support group. It has also been presented the methodology to follow for the identification of the training and capacitation needs of technological and Innovative SMEs, as well as for the identification of the existing and needed support services. The presentation of next activities of the SME4SMARTCITIES Training programme has closed the meeting before the coffee-break.

Once back, the presentation of the next communication activities and resume of the communication plan has been discussed, and also the organization of next events.

Finally, after the lunch break, the management activities (such as the new consolidated calendar, the preparation of the Interim Report and Payment Request, the budget changes, and the Jordan partner current situation) have been reviewed.

The meeting was closed by CEEI Murcia, lead partner, after informing the rest of the partners about the observations received by the JTS regarding the report submitted, with a wrap – up and talking about the next steps in the project.