لبنان: مشروع MAIA-TAQA يطلق طلب تقديم مقترحات لخدمات التصميم والمساعدة الفنية لبناء محطة لمعالجة مياه النفايات


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Under the project MAIA-TAQA, the Lebanese Partner, Industrial Research Institute IRI, is launching a Request For Proposals for the “Design service and assistance for the construction of a WasteWater Treatment Plant for the Industrial Research Institute (IRI) - Lebanese University Campus (Hadat).”

IRI is responsible for the construction of a WasteWater Treatment plant for its building which will serve for irrigation purposes. For this end, it is seeking proposals for the necessary executive planning and assistance needed. 

To take part in this RFP and for more clarifications, kindly send an email to Mrs. Manal Tabanji in order to receive the tender dossier including the procedure and necessary requirements to apply before the deadline.

The deadline for the submission of proposals is July 31, 2020.


 Ms. Manale Tabanji 

Industrial Research Institute

Lebanese University Campus – Hadat (Baabda)

Email: m.tabanji@elcim-lb.org

Phone / Fax: +961 (5) 465609

Looking forward to receiving your proposal and thank you in advance for your interest in our procurement opportunities!