The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

Socio-Urban Circularity Workshops

This document contains materials related to workshops organised in Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Palestine and Jordan by the INNOMED-UP project, which aims to work with Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards the principles of the circular economy, including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement.

Pilot Re-use Open (PRO) Market

INNOMED-UP proposes to work with Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards the principles of the circular economy, including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement. The document illustrates the open market events organized in Tunis (Tunisia) and Prato (Italy) aimed at promoting economic activity, showcasing the businesses and products of the sub-beneficiaries and promoting community engagement towards up cycling and innovation.

Pilot Clusters

INNOMED-UP proposes to work with Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards the principles of the circular economy, including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement.
This document contains the methodology guidelines for the pilot clustering intervention for WP5 (work package 5), wich is the project work-package that tests previous outcomes, by translating all project gathered city circular economy data, into a pilot project to be implemented through a pre-identified cluster road map strategy. The document illustrates the results obtained during the execution of the INNOMED-UP project in the pilots implemented in Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Palestine, Jordan.

Clustering smart tools

By building on their common identity and by integrating into their productive schemes the principles of the circular economy, Mediterranean cities can create resilient urban environments and communities, establishing a supportive framework for CCI SMEs clustering.
This document contains the description of clustering smart tools as were proposed in the framework of the INNOMED-UP Project, together with Activities and Outputs they fall within. Tools concern designing a smart bicycle and building a prototype, developing a Central Information System, designing a smart garbage bin and building a prototype, developing an open source repository for circular designs and eco design toolkits, reproducing clustering smart tools in each case study and testing.

CCI SMEs’ clustering roadmaps for each city

INNOMED-UP proposes to work with Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards a circular production and consumption paradigm including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement. The project works at a cross-border level supporting both technological developments and traditional recycling practices.
This documents contains a drafting of 6 clustering roadmaps, one per each participating city (Athens, Prato, Palermo, Tunis, Hebron and Nablus Cities, Irbid). For each of them there is an illustratation of the analysis of components and layers based on the survey, the roadmap strategy development and its implementation.

INNOMED-UP Model for the Mediterranean

This document is the final version of the Guide for circularity strategy for Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) and Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Mediterranean (INNOMED-UP model) as drafted and published in the framework of the INNOMED-UP Project.
INNOMED-UP aspires to collaborate with CCIs to shift local urban economies towards a circular production and consumption paradigm including optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among Mediterranean cities, social inclusion, and citizens’ engagement.
This handbook aims to provide an overview of the state of the art in upcycling practices at the urban level, with a particular focus on the practices implemented by Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) and the results achieved.

Info points for consultation of SMEs

INNOMED-UP info points are self-contained units, containing hardware and software that allow project stakeholders to easily access project information and interpretation. In particular, these info points aspire to operate as consultation offices for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) SMEs in order to permit them to access foreign investments (such as European funding, bank loans or other initiatives) and to enhance community and stakeholders' engagement. Two info points have been established; one in Palermo and one in Amman. The online info points can be easily accessible either on computers or on smartphones.

INNOMED-UP Strategic Context Report

The INNOMED-UP project tackles the production of waste in Mediterranean Cities by helping them adopt Circular Economy (CE) solutions. In particular, the project proposes to work with the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to shift local urban economies towards a circular production and consumption paradigm (optimal use of material resources, innovation enhancement for SMEs, knowledge transfer among Med-cities, social inclusion and citizens’ engagement).
The present Report provides an extensive review on CCIs, as well as existing policies and synergies between CE and CCIs at Mediterranean and EU level.

MedRiSSE Comparative Report and Analysis on co-production and public sector innovation

An in-depth comparative report and analysis on co-production and public sector innovation was completed, providing a comprehensive understanding of the social innovation elements of the 5 capitalised projects. The objective was to gain a broad understanding of how social innovation in the 5 projects was tackled and what the main issues and priorities to be considered for policy purposes are. Several focus groups and interviews/surveys with 5 project teams were organized to define the concept of social innovation and its impact in target countries.

MedRiSSE Innovation Credit System

Asanblea de Cooperación por la Paz (ACPP) and the Palestinian Agricultural Coooperatives Association (PARC) , with the help of experts, developed a system of innovation credits to encourage consultation of relevant SSE actors by public services. The Innovation Tokens in the Social Policy Co-Production Lab provide a variety of ways for users to engage with the Lab, from incentivizing collaboration to rewarding contributions and recognizing status. These tokens can be used to access exclusive content, services, and rewards. Innovation Tokens provide a powerful mechanism for distributing resources and incentivizing desired behaviors within a community of practice.

MedRiSSE Wiki User Handbook

A Wiki User Handbook was developed for the MedRiSsE online learning repository, serving as a valuable resource for innovators, researchers, and policymakers to enhance their co-production skills. This repository is collectively managed by the WCoP, ensuring relevant and timely updates. It facilitated the dissemination of knowledge generated by the 5 capitalized projects such as the eLearning courses, the replicability roadmaps, and the policy briefs.

MedRiSSE Policy briefs in promoting social innovation led by SSE entities

Oxfam Italy, based on a cross-country analysis, constructed 5 thematic policy briefs targeting key topics in social innovation. These topics were chosen for their relevance to broader public debate and the potential to be leveraged at a country level. The themes include: promoting the role of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in developing the green economy in Jordan; pragmatic options for social enterprises to access blended finance mechanisms in Italy; advancing local currencies and removing implementation barriers in Spain; financial support for women-led cooperatives, contributing to women empowerment in Palestine; and enhancing cooperation between higher education, social entrepreneurs, and the SSE sphere in Tunisia’s educational system. The briefs were developed in collaboration with regional focal points and a consultant, validated through a restitution meeting, and disseminated via both offline workshops and online webinars. These briefs offer detailed and specific actions and recommendations for policy makers to effectively promote social innovation.