The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

iHERITAGE Lebanon: Augmented Brochure

The document provides an overview of the iHERITAGE project, detailing its objectives, expected achievements, and beneficiaries. It highlights the project's focus on promoting innovation-driven growth, cross-border technological transfer, and collaboration among various stakeholders to preserve and enhance access to UNESCO cultural heritage sites in the Mediterranean region. Additionally, it outlines the role of the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (CCIA-BML) as a partner in the project.

Co-Publication: Virtual Reality in World Heritage Gardens

The immersive document, titled "Virtual Reality in World Heritage Gardens," is a bilingual (English-Spanish), 64-page interactive publication crafted by El legado andalusí in collaboration with partners Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship and Creativity, and Universidad de Palermo. Articles contributed by El legado andalusí, JSSREC, and Universidad de Palermo delve into topics such as heritage communication, insights on landscaped gardens of Desert culture, and the discovery of Arab-Norman Palermo UNESCO world heritage Site through innovative ICT products.

The document is enhanced with QR codes allowing access to animated recreations like holographs and virtual reconstructions created by project partners within the iHERITAGE initiative.


The University of Algarve has meticulously crafted an Augmented Reality (AR) brochure to highlight the richness of the Mediterranean Diet through the captivating medium of augmented reality. Through dedicated research, a fusion of innovative graphics and cutting-edge technology was explored to curate an immersive experience within the augmented reality world. In collaboration with the Centro Ciência Viva de Tavira, the University of Algarve, as a key partner, embarked on a fruitful partnership with the DiMEd project, generously supported by CRESC ALGARVE 2020.This collaboration resulted in the creation of a comprehensive array of digital educational resources meticulously tailored to illuminate the intricacies of the Mediterranean Diet. These resources encompassed a spectrum of tools designed to empower educators and trainers, offering a plethora of materials to enrich classroom and session experiences, as well as facilitating autonomous learning endeavors. Accessible for exploration and download, the digital brochures invite curious minds to explore their digital content, encouraging them to embark on a virtual journey of discovery!

iHERITAGE: Petra Immersive Brochure Overview

This document provides an overview of the immersive brochure created for Petra as part of the iHERITAGE project. Developed by the Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity (JSSREC), the brochure utilizes augmented reality (AR) technology to offer an interactive exploration of Petra's cultural heritage. It includes detailed information about the project, its authors, graphic design, and development process, as well as insights into Petra's history, geology, and water management systems. Additionally, the brochure features a selection of monuments and landmarks within Petra, allowing readers to engage with the site's rich history and architectural wonders.

iHERITAGE Egypt: Augmented Brochure

The iHERITAGE project aimed to blend technology with cultural heritage through an Augmented Brochure. Selected after a call for proposals, 5dVR, an Egyptian company, contributed their expertise in augmented reality. Together with project partner, the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations, they refined concepts, created content, and developed prototypes. Copies of the brochure were strategically distributed, where visitors interacted with it firsthand. This approach maximized engagement and awareness about Egypt's cultural heritage.

iHERITAGE Italian Augmented Brochure

The iHERITAGE project team in Italy developed an Augmented Reality (AR) brochure to showcase project activities nationally. Extensive research was conducted to identify optimal graphic and technological solutions, resulting in a 3D model of the Cloister of the Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti in Palermo. The brochure, available for online viewing and download, features integrated AR elements.

Geomatics Techniques for Historical Buildings Documentation and Restoration in Northern Jordan

Historical conservation and restoration is an important issue for heritage structures, this
research aims to develop heritage building information model (HBIM) for (Klaib
Basha Saraya) in northern Jordan. In Jordanian Heritage Management, such models
are still regarded a long way from becoming a well-established and widely used
technique. Using terrestrial laser scanning technologies, the project will bridge the gap
between historical documentation and historical building information modeling. HBIM
was created with parametric pieces to reflect the study area's structural, functional,
architectural, and historical aspects.

CROSSDEV - The best videos produced by the project

"I am the Mediterranean" and 5 short video-pills on the sustainable tourism destinations developed by the project in Jordan, Lebanon, Italy and Palestine.