AQUACYCLE on radio waves in Tunisia


In the run up to the First Stakeholder Workshop in Tunisia which took place on 22 September 2020, the Tunis International Radio Channel (RTCI) invited Mr. Fadhel M’Hiri to introduce the scope and objectives of the AQUACYCLE project.


On 24 September 2020, Ms Hanen El Ferjani from Radio Tunisie Culturelle (RTC) (pictured above left) invited Ms Saida Zemzemi (pictured right) to interview Dr. Hamadi Kallali. The interview took place in the context of the channel’s “Knowledge Route: Be gentle with Earth” emission.
Mr. Fadhel M’Hiri (pictured right) is the Team leader on behalf of the Tunis International Center for Environmental Technologies (CITET). A short clip of his interview on RTCI (in French) can be accessed here.
Dr. Hamadi Kallali (pictured left) is the Team leader on behalf of the Water Research and Technologies Centre (CERTE). His full interview on RTC (in Arabic) can be accessed here.